Tuesday 29 January 2013

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Excellent E-Commerce

7 Steps to Better Ecommerce Marketing

Effective marketing rarely happens accidentally. Successful campaigns are most often the result of good planning and execution.
Planning a marketing campaign can provide an excellent opportunity to focus on a business's unique marketing problems or challenges and the proper actions required to address those very problems or challenges.

Regarding Marketing Planning

Unfortunately, some entrepreneurs simply don't know what a marketing plan is or how it should look. Is there a form one can download and fill out to ensure complete success? Not really. Are there marketing recipes to follow that include search engine marketing combined with pay-per-click ads and a blog post or two? Not exactly.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

jack downloads presents...Coursework 1

jack downloads magazine for coursework 1

This being the first coursework and first publication as Jack Downloads it was highly successful and produced great marks and set us on our way as digital students

Mr Samasuwo

here are links to my other profiles online

Digital students profile

Digital students group profile (jack downloads)

Facebook Group (jack downloads)

linkedin profile


my name is Alistair Samasuwo this is my personal website showing research undertaken into digital technologies for marketing. This website will provide information and links on current projects and past projects done within my second year at Bucks New University.