Tuesday 19 March 2013

My Easter plan

My plan to boost and update my personal blog.

i will achieve this by updating my personal information and uploading my personal cv
updating the events i have gone to and will go to
linking previous and other projects i have done into the blog to show my development as a digital student
personal video or audio interview on my year long progress in digital marketing
self evaluation of assignments within the course so far

Tuesday 12 March 2013

visiting the careers fair

On the 12th of march i payed a visit to the Careers fair at bucks new uni. i networked with 5 businesses.i got a business cards from HP, Bucks Libraries and TEFL WIDE. Two volunteer organisations, STUBS Charity and MAOAM were offering summer time internships.i volunteered to work with STUBS Charity over their social media and viral marketing.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

coursework 2 reaserch :focus groups

Focus groups are a form of qualitative research that brings together small numbers of people to discuss a topic (such as reactions to a new product or service, or opinions about a client or a client's competitors). The typicalfocus group consists of seven to ten people who share common characteristics and experiences in relation to a topic. The group discusses the topic for about 1 ½ hours under the direction of a skilled moderator. Focus groups involve:
  1. Identifying the research objectives
  2. Developing a moderator's guide
  3. Recruiting participants and arranging for an appropriate facility in which to hold the discussions
  4. Holding the focus group meetings
  5. Analyzing and presenting the results
Market Street Research handles all aspects of conducting qualitative research including focus group recruitment, logistical coordination, development of moderator's guides and moderating, and analysis of results. We work closely with clients to identify critical information needs and design focus groups that will best inform business or organizational decisions.
Moderator's Guides: Market Street Research brings decades of expertise to bear on the preparation of the highest quality research instruments. Our moderator's guides for focus groups ensure that all relevant topics are covered and that the time scheduled is maintained. Our clients give final approval on materials, and Market Street Research always develops moderator's guides on a custom basis for each project.

Logistics: Market Street Research maintains relationships with a national network of focus group facilities and we have a pool of trained, experienced, highly skilled focus group moderators. Market Street Research follows focus group sessions with a thorough analysis and presentation of the results. Our reports include quotations from focus groups to illustrate key findings, and we use video footage from the focus group discussions in our presentations of the findings. In many cases our clients use our focus group results to inform and fine-tune follow-up quantitative research, such as telephone surveys.

digital marketing for now

social media marketing

Social Media Marketing is a massively untapped avenue for businesses, we have helped companies get a successful branded social media presence in place, we also help to run targeted, relevant and regular communications. We can help establish you via the social media channels and begin to home in on your target audience.

We work with all of the top social media sites from Twitter, Facebook and Linked-In through to YouTube and Blogging. We can quickly build a base of followers and
Our social media packages offer a range of services, such as:

  1. Set-up of Social Media
  2. Branding of Social Media
  3. Article Writing & Posting
  4. Regular & Frequent Tweets
  5. Increasing Likes
  6. Increasing Followers
  7. Tracking & Reporting
  8. Analysing Social Media Channels