Friday 10 May 2013

the future

this year has opened my eyes and widened my horizon, i have always wanted to complete my degree and move into sports marketing, and using the skills and experience gained through this year on digital marketing.

the end of the year

this year has been a very informative and productive year in which i have grown as a digital student to expand my horizon on the internet and in the website design field. Through my participation within Jack downloads i have become more astute about web traffic and web site design as well as understand the way digital marketing is fast becoming the leading tool in marketing taking over from television and print marketing.

Working as a team in jack downloads i learnt the importance of communication within the team and the pitfalls of the lack of communication as evident in the marks for our second publication. However through this adversity and through perseverance and a good team ethic we picked ourselves up and worked together to complete what we had started back in october.

Content based filtering

Content based filtering recommends items based on a comparison between the content of the two items and a user profile. Each item is represented as a set of descriptors or terms which is usually the words or keywords.
The user profile is represented with the same terms and built up by analysing the content of items which have been seen by the user.
Several issues have to be considered when implementing this system. First, terms can either be assigned automatically or manually. When terms are assigned automatically a method has to be chosen that can extract these terms from items.
Second, the terms have to be represented such that both the user profile and the items can be compared in a meaningful way.
Third, a learning algorithm has to be chosen that is able to learn the user profile based on seen items and can make recommendations based on this user profile.

Collaborative filtering

A suitable technology option would be Collaborative filtering which is a common web technique used in generating personalized recommendations.
It is used by Amazon, Netflix, iTunes and last FM. With iTunes CF works in that all in needs is a database of who has bought what so that it can calculate “people who are like you” so that anytime anyone “who is like you” buys something you have not bought you get a personal recommendation of the song or album.
CF does not need built in subject knowledge and this makes it easier and less complicated such as Pandora which needs music experts to individualise each song and code a genome to each song.

TRACKR..."we find what you love"

TRACKr is a registered trademark

this is the year long culmination of JACK Downloads, after two successful magazine publications we have made plans to design a mobile app to recommend and find music, movies, tv shows of your choice

Thursday 11 April 2013

Evaluating Mr far

This course has helped my thinking and the way i look at digital marketing not only as banner ads and viral videos but as SEO, Social Media and many more channels all coming into our homes and lives through television, mobile phones and tablets and computers and laptops. This shows the strength and influence of digital marketing and how as the world becomes more connected how it will become even more powerful within marketing

Personally my researching was my weakest attribute however being part of jack downloads and with the help of Mike Watson i have grown and developed and with it my primary and secondary research has caught up with my silver tongue. Through digital marketing i have published 2 online magazines reviewing the music industry and attended 2 events which have helped me liase with proffessionals and masterclasses with Dave Chaffey.

the end is nigh...Coursework III

Developing a web based concept that has potential to be a viable online business

this will require jack downloads to 

 Identify a business concept and source a unique web domain name. 

2. Produce web-design visuals: 

a. Create wire-frame plans to illustrate proposed navigation and information architecture
b. Develop a workable website design including copy, branding, images etc
c. Consider suitable technology options
d. Create appropriate branding and graphic design for the site
e. Implement a database plan and strategy for data collection and management
f. Plan the financial elements of the online business and demonstrate how the site will generate revenue and be funded
g. Create plans and concepts that demonstrate the viability of the project through its lifecycle

3. Write a traffic building plan 
a. Demonstrate how the website will be optimized for target audience engagement
b. Develop a marketing plan that connects the site to the web and your different audience segments
c. Develop concepts and strategy for email marketing
d. Illustrate suitable advertising and search marketing campaigns
e. Illustrate appropriate social media campaigns
f. Illustrate the role of epr in your plan and examples of online pr activity
g. Show how data will be captured and utilised for site development, business and marketing purposes
h. Present a financial plan for marketing with forecast benefits and return or investment
i. Demonstrate how you will utilise analytics to improve site success and future development

4. Produce a compelling powerpoint presentation for the above and include a separate word report as an appendix as evidence of work and thought processes  

5. Deliver a 10 minute customer or investor style live presentation on the above 

jack downloads publications presents...Coursework 2

Examining the traffic building techniques used by music download and streaming sites

attending Dave Chaffey`s masterclass

Dave is editor of many of the 7 Step to Success guides on Smart Insights. He is a bestselling author, consultant and speaker who enjoys sharing tips, tools and techniques on all things digital, but especially SEO, PPC, Social Media, Email Marketing, Site Design & Analytic  

This event was done on the 27th of November 2012 in the ARTs for everyone centre.
this event allowed Mr Chaffey to give us first hand information about digital marketing and its ever evolving and ever growing status in marketing.Personally i found the event informative and very influential especially coming such a well established guru within the field.

 This experience has helped my thinking and the way i look at digital marketing not only as banner ads and viral videos but as SEO, Social Media and many more channels all coming into our homes and lives through television, mobile phones and tablets and computers and laptops. This shows the strength and influence of digital marketing and how as the world becomes more connected how it will become even more powerful within marketing

Tuesday 19 March 2013

My Easter plan

My plan to boost and update my personal blog.

i will achieve this by updating my personal information and uploading my personal cv
updating the events i have gone to and will go to
linking previous and other projects i have done into the blog to show my development as a digital student
personal video or audio interview on my year long progress in digital marketing
self evaluation of assignments within the course so far

Tuesday 12 March 2013

visiting the careers fair

On the 12th of march i payed a visit to the Careers fair at bucks new uni. i networked with 5 businesses.i got a business cards from HP, Bucks Libraries and TEFL WIDE. Two volunteer organisations, STUBS Charity and MAOAM were offering summer time internships.i volunteered to work with STUBS Charity over their social media and viral marketing.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

coursework 2 reaserch :focus groups

Focus groups are a form of qualitative research that brings together small numbers of people to discuss a topic (such as reactions to a new product or service, or opinions about a client or a client's competitors). The typicalfocus group consists of seven to ten people who share common characteristics and experiences in relation to a topic. The group discusses the topic for about 1 ½ hours under the direction of a skilled moderator. Focus groups involve:
  1. Identifying the research objectives
  2. Developing a moderator's guide
  3. Recruiting participants and arranging for an appropriate facility in which to hold the discussions
  4. Holding the focus group meetings
  5. Analyzing and presenting the results
Market Street Research handles all aspects of conducting qualitative research including focus group recruitment, logistical coordination, development of moderator's guides and moderating, and analysis of results. We work closely with clients to identify critical information needs and design focus groups that will best inform business or organizational decisions.
Moderator's Guides: Market Street Research brings decades of expertise to bear on the preparation of the highest quality research instruments. Our moderator's guides for focus groups ensure that all relevant topics are covered and that the time scheduled is maintained. Our clients give final approval on materials, and Market Street Research always develops moderator's guides on a custom basis for each project.

Logistics: Market Street Research maintains relationships with a national network of focus group facilities and we have a pool of trained, experienced, highly skilled focus group moderators. Market Street Research follows focus group sessions with a thorough analysis and presentation of the results. Our reports include quotations from focus groups to illustrate key findings, and we use video footage from the focus group discussions in our presentations of the findings. In many cases our clients use our focus group results to inform and fine-tune follow-up quantitative research, such as telephone surveys.

digital marketing for now

social media marketing

Social Media Marketing is a massively untapped avenue for businesses, we have helped companies get a successful branded social media presence in place, we also help to run targeted, relevant and regular communications. We can help establish you via the social media channels and begin to home in on your target audience.

We work with all of the top social media sites from Twitter, Facebook and Linked-In through to YouTube and Blogging. We can quickly build a base of followers and
Our social media packages offer a range of services, such as:

  1. Set-up of Social Media
  2. Branding of Social Media
  3. Article Writing & Posting
  4. Regular & Frequent Tweets
  5. Increasing Likes
  6. Increasing Followers
  7. Tracking & Reporting
  8. Analysing Social Media Channels

Tuesday 12 February 2013

event for technology for marketing

attending the event of the cards on the ready 



Many companies narrowly define PR activities online solely as blogger relations when in reality,online public relations is so much more. To me, internet based public and media relations encompasses gaining editorial exposure on the web with sites like blogs of course, but it also leverages web based technologies, networks and platforms for developing and maintaining more efficient communication with the media. And by “media” I mean traditional media with an online presence as well as other influencers – be they bloggers, power social news users or social networkers.
Communication efforts might happen online, but the media exposure outcomes may be in print or the web. The question arises, if the connections are made and maintained online using online PR and social media tools, but the exposure is offline, is it still online PR? I say yes.
Earning editorial visibility on the web as a function of public and online media relations efforts is entirely congruent with the idea of optimizing content for better web visibility. For the most part, you can’t “manufacture” editorial based visibility and the commensurate traffic. You earn it.

Search Engine optimization

using Google analytic to use SEO

Here is a post explaining a simple way to add some extra info to your Google Analytics data to help improve your natural search traffic. In this post I hope to show you…

  1. An explanation of what’s missing from Google Analytics in terms of actionable SEO data.
  2. How to fix it.
  3. A free excel template so that you can play about with it yourself.
  4. A tutorial to accompany the excel spreadsheet.
  5. The actions to take as a result of the data.
  6. Some suggestions for extending this further.
Part 1: The Problem with Using Google Analytics for SEO

The SEO data in Google Analytics pretty much consists of these 2 things:
  1. A list of terms that are bringing you traffic.
  2. The numbers of visits for those terms.
You can track whether you are increasing or decreasing traffic over time. And there are extras there, like bounce rate & conversion rate by keyword, which help you to fix the journey aftersomeone lands on your site.
But for the most part it is far more useful for seeing “did we do ok with search engine traffic yesterday?” rather than the more forward looking  ”what can we do to improve traffic from search engines tomorrow?”

The reason it’s difficult to use GA in an actionable way for SEO is there are 3 key bits of information missing:
It’s absolutely painful to get it to tell you where you rank for particular keywords.
There’s no indication of how much extra traffic you could get for any given keyword.
It’s far harder than it should be to get a list of keywords cross-referenced against landing pages. (you can do this, but it’s only really useful for sites with 5 or less pages).
Part 2: How to Fix this Problem – SEO gap analysis
  1. Our current percentage of the maximum available traffic.
  2. Our current rank for each term.
  3. Which page of ours is currently ranking.
And here’s how this all looks when combined:
So rather than scratching our heads wondering where to start, that immediately tells us:
  1. Which search terms are bringing us most visits today?
  2. Which keywords do we have the potential to improve for? (& which the fastest?)
  3. What pages do we need to change to do that?
  4. What extra actions can we take to get more traffic for each term?

Technology for marketing and advertising


Technology for marketing and advertising

Technology for Marketing & Advertising (TFM&A) is the UK's largest and longest running event for the entire Marketing, Media and Advertising industry, and thirteen years on, it remains the flagship must-attend eventfor professionals across the industry

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Excellent E-Commerce

7 Steps to Better Ecommerce Marketing

Effective marketing rarely happens accidentally. Successful campaigns are most often the result of good planning and execution.
Planning a marketing campaign can provide an excellent opportunity to focus on a business's unique marketing problems or challenges and the proper actions required to address those very problems or challenges.

Regarding Marketing Planning

Unfortunately, some entrepreneurs simply don't know what a marketing plan is or how it should look. Is there a form one can download and fill out to ensure complete success? Not really. Are there marketing recipes to follow that include search engine marketing combined with pay-per-click ads and a blog post or two? Not exactly.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

jack downloads presents...Coursework 1

jack downloads magazine for coursework 1

This being the first coursework and first publication as Jack Downloads it was highly successful and produced great marks and set us on our way as digital students

Mr Samasuwo

here are links to my other profiles online

Digital students profile

Digital students group profile (jack downloads)

Facebook Group (jack downloads)

linkedin profile


my name is Alistair Samasuwo this is my personal website showing research undertaken into digital technologies for marketing. This website will provide information and links on current projects and past projects done within my second year at Bucks New University.