Thursday 11 April 2013

Evaluating Mr far

This course has helped my thinking and the way i look at digital marketing not only as banner ads and viral videos but as SEO, Social Media and many more channels all coming into our homes and lives through television, mobile phones and tablets and computers and laptops. This shows the strength and influence of digital marketing and how as the world becomes more connected how it will become even more powerful within marketing

Personally my researching was my weakest attribute however being part of jack downloads and with the help of Mike Watson i have grown and developed and with it my primary and secondary research has caught up with my silver tongue. Through digital marketing i have published 2 online magazines reviewing the music industry and attended 2 events which have helped me liase with proffessionals and masterclasses with Dave Chaffey.

the end is nigh...Coursework III

Developing a web based concept that has potential to be a viable online business

this will require jack downloads to 

 Identify a business concept and source a unique web domain name. 

2. Produce web-design visuals: 

a. Create wire-frame plans to illustrate proposed navigation and information architecture
b. Develop a workable website design including copy, branding, images etc
c. Consider suitable technology options
d. Create appropriate branding and graphic design for the site
e. Implement a database plan and strategy for data collection and management
f. Plan the financial elements of the online business and demonstrate how the site will generate revenue and be funded
g. Create plans and concepts that demonstrate the viability of the project through its lifecycle

3. Write a traffic building plan 
a. Demonstrate how the website will be optimized for target audience engagement
b. Develop a marketing plan that connects the site to the web and your different audience segments
c. Develop concepts and strategy for email marketing
d. Illustrate suitable advertising and search marketing campaigns
e. Illustrate appropriate social media campaigns
f. Illustrate the role of epr in your plan and examples of online pr activity
g. Show how data will be captured and utilised for site development, business and marketing purposes
h. Present a financial plan for marketing with forecast benefits and return or investment
i. Demonstrate how you will utilise analytics to improve site success and future development

4. Produce a compelling powerpoint presentation for the above and include a separate word report as an appendix as evidence of work and thought processes  

5. Deliver a 10 minute customer or investor style live presentation on the above 

jack downloads publications presents...Coursework 2

Examining the traffic building techniques used by music download and streaming sites

attending Dave Chaffey`s masterclass

Dave is editor of many of the 7 Step to Success guides on Smart Insights. He is a bestselling author, consultant and speaker who enjoys sharing tips, tools and techniques on all things digital, but especially SEO, PPC, Social Media, Email Marketing, Site Design & Analytic  

This event was done on the 27th of November 2012 in the ARTs for everyone centre.
this event allowed Mr Chaffey to give us first hand information about digital marketing and its ever evolving and ever growing status in marketing.Personally i found the event informative and very influential especially coming such a well established guru within the field.

 This experience has helped my thinking and the way i look at digital marketing not only as banner ads and viral videos but as SEO, Social Media and many more channels all coming into our homes and lives through television, mobile phones and tablets and computers and laptops. This shows the strength and influence of digital marketing and how as the world becomes more connected how it will become even more powerful within marketing